I remember when I was a child, (like five years old) I didn't want to learn to read (yeah I know is weird haha), and my mother always bought me "spelling books" (silabarios) and I hated that, 'cause I just
didn't want.
So when I entered to Kinder was really difficult to my mom because she thought that I was problematic... the truth was I learnt to read this same year!! from this moment I started to read everything hahaha, when I grown up and I had like 8-9 years old, I read so fast the books, that no one believe that I read, they thought that I was a liar but the truth was, I fell in love with the books, so that's why I'm going to talk about my prefered book... :D
In my life I read a lot of books in fact when I was in the high school I took the humanist plan, there I read different interesting books, one of them is my favorite is called "La sangre y la esperanza" and his author Nicomedes Guzmán. Although is a little book is really profound, when I was reading this I cried (well I'm an emotional girl hahah ) but seriously, the history is about a poor little boy, who lived in the time of "cuestión social" here in Chile and he told about different sad situation of his life, he talk about his dreams and a lot of things but everything is melancholy because the context is difficult, they have protest, murders, was a bad time.
I suggest this book just because is real, I expect someday you may read it!, I'm really sure that you are going to love him too!
I love that book too!, I have to say that I also cried reading this book and almost with all the books that I have read in my life, nothing compares when you finish to read a book jaja
ResponderBorrarI think is really great your blog!!
see you soon :)
love you
Hi! the book is interesting i hope one day I can read. I read "Ser niño huacho en la historia de chile " is the only book I've read on the theme of what you mentioned (not really, but it's the only one I remember at the moment haha :( ) regards :)))
ResponderBorrarI don´t know this book, I think I'll read it when we're on vacation because it looks very interesting! Take care!