viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016


What I think about Trump... well is not easy hahaha but what is not easy too... is think about how a lot of people voted for him! I can't understand how someone can identify with him :( is very sad... even Latin american people are so much agree with him.

First of all I think that world will change
if Trump do what he said... Sadly USA have so much control and importance to world level that... If Donald Trump is loyal to his speech he will make a lot of stupid things that will impact not just USA, Chile will be impacted too, is very funny when I hear people say "Poor gringoes", they don't understand that we are poor too :( haha

But yes... things will change, because he have a nationalist mentality and he plan things like create a wall between USA and Mexico, also he is very racist that's why  so much people will be deported( like latin american and Muslim people) , but not just that!!, he is misogynistic. He doesn't care not even about environment because he want to cancel the Paris agreement about climate !!

Is a pity that people like him can have so much support but yes, is a reality :( And is very frustrating that so much Chilean people be agree with Trump... Well the truth is not weird if we consider the situation of our country and our goverment

So... we will see what happens...

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

My future job

Hi everyone! today is a wonderful day haha.

I must to speak about my future but... the job that I want for my future...
The truth is now I'm a student of social work but I'm not sure if I want to be all my life a conventional social worker, I mean first of all I don't want to live in Santiago all my life and neither work in a office, I really like the movement so... If be a social worker means be all the time in the same place I don't want that haha

But... even so I want to be a social worker but the kind of "América solidaria" or something like that haha I be crazy about the idea of work near of people. And yes I know that my idea must sound like social assistance but i want this since I was a child. My idea of a good job is more like a voluntary work but is better if they pay me for help other person hahahh

So I'm going to work (I hope) in the south of Chile, I love south but Chiloe have a piece of my heart and I would like work helping people there.

And yes, I know i'm so much idealist but at least this is what I want now

Regards!! <3

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Gender and violence

This week was sadly special to Latin American countries. This week we could see how women are victims of the physical violence. The last week in Argentina a young girl was raped and murdered.
And we cry, we get angry... but we must to know that this... is just the top of the iceberg.
Is completely sad have to reach this end, for reflect about this topic. Women are abused in a lot of areas of the lives. And that's because we reproduce a male chauvinist society. Phrases like "you run like a girl", "you shout like a girl", "you play like a girl" seem something normal but this is a way to abuse too because be a girl it is seen like something bad.

To stop the violence to woman we must to stop since of childhood  the idea of "rough man" and "submissive girl".

¡Don't fall in the reproduction of male power!

I was at the march, and yes, we was a lot. We are women and we are angry with this system that uses us.

¡I expect that future be different, we must to fight!


jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

A perfect song :)

Hi everybody!

Today I have to talk about a perfect song... yes... again is very difficult to me choose just one. But  just like the other topics I will choose one hahaha.

I have three song in mind: "Baby can I hold you" (Tracy Chapman), More than words (Extreme) but I will post about one called "Fly away from here" and  is from Aerosmith.

I really love this song since I was  9 years old. I know this song because my sister always listened this band so I imitated her hahaha.

What I love about that kind of bands is that they seem so rough and  rockers (you may see them on the photo haha) but her music (almost all) on the contrary are about love <3 hahah

This song speak about the idea of let the past behind and start again. The part of the song that I love  is

 "Do you see a bluer sky nowYou could have a better life nowOpen your eyesNo one here can ever stop usThey can try but we won't let themNo way"

I think is perfect to trip, I enjoy listen this song when I'am in the car because make me feel free hahaha

How ever... You must to listen too :D

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016

Hi everybody!

Today I have to talk about my guilty pleasure in music... 
Is a little embarrassing.... 
Since I was a child until now, my mom have a ritual so weird haha and consist in wake up to all the family (the saturdays and sundays), with music... but not with a funny or relax music, with HER music. She think that all we want listen her beautiful voice singing in the morning........
hahaha well the point is that she love the romantic music (the old romantic music haha) and one of the singer is Josè Luis Perales... Is very old but unfortunately every time that she put the song "Hoy me acordé de tì" I sing more than her hahah. I a real guilty pleasure! 

But is a beautiful song!! you must to listen too!!!,

I told you one of my embarrassing secrets hahaha so I hope you don't laugh of me hahah :(


viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

My best holidays :)

Is really difficult to me think about my "best" holidays, thanks to God I have the opportunity to know different places, and other countries but when I asked to myself, about my prefer holiday I just have in mind, every summer here in Santiago.
I'm a christian, and all my summers since 2010 I always pass in "Summer camps" in a property called Word Of Life (Palabra de Vida) this place be in Puente Alto road to Las vizcachas. 

These summer camps are for youth from 7 to 25 years old. (separated by age difference).There we have a lot of fun because they have a program with different kind of games, every day is different, for example, they make a night of game called "Super Match", other night they make a camp-fire ormusicals. Obviously they make preaching every morning  because is a Baptist camp and in the afternoon exist games on the pool or competiticion of teams.

You pay to go for a week but when you go you want to be ther more time

Is very funny because you may spend time with your friends or you may know people there. 

Is like a American camp of summer but without lake haha.

How ever, every summer in this place are good holidays to me :)

Hi Again! :)

In the last post I said that I Want to trip... but if you question to me "Where?"... I really don't know what answer, because the whole world is a good adventure!

But... I need to say something so... Island, ¿why?, is like a paradise, when I was a child I knew one of my favourites bands "Sigur Ros", and them was from this country... so I start to looking for photograph and videos about this place.

I think that one of the thing that catch my attention of Island  there secrets that it's has... literally is a "small" isle, with just a few residents but with a huge story!! they have a lot of customes that in the past was considered pagan and they have too myths and legends so weird, that make me feel terrified and fascinated at the same time haha

I althogh forget said that I really hate the hot weather, so Island is the perfect place to me!!

Who can resist to this places???

My Biography :)

Hi, this is other class so I will introduce myself again!

I'm Daniela, i'm 20 years,  and I'm a student of second year of Social Work.
I'm from Santiago but I really prefer the south of Chile because all my family is from the region of Bio Bio.

This photo was took in "El ovejero" from Punta Arenas :)
About my favourite things... I really like listen music, eat and trip, I don't know a lot of places because I don't have money but I hope know at least Latin America.

 In a future I want to live in one of the islands of Chiloè (the truth is one of my dreams is be a farmer haha).

 Wow, I almost forget to say that I love watch comedy movies and sing in the shower (I'm a bad singer but who cares XD)

Finally one of my favorites things in the whole world
is enjoy a good mate with friends.

So... this is me in just a few words :)
