miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015

A real book

I remember when I was a child, (like five years old) I didn't want to learn to read (yeah I know is weird haha), and my mother always bought me "spelling books" (silabarios) and I hated that, 'cause I just 
didn't want. 
So when I entered to Kinder was really difficult to my mom because she thought that I was problematic... the truth was I learnt to read this same year!! from this moment I started to read everything hahaha, when I grown up and I had like 8-9 years old, I read so fast the books, that no one believe that I read, they thought that I was a liar but the truth was, I fell in love with the books, so that's why I'm going to talk about my prefered book... :D

In my life I read a lot of books in fact when I was in the high school I took the humanist plan, there I read different interesting books, one of them is my favorite is called "La sangre y la esperanza" and his author Nicomedes Guzmán. Although is a little book is really profound, when I was reading this I cried (well I'm an emotional girl hahah ) but seriously,  the history is about a poor little boy, who lived in the time of "cuestión social" here in Chile and he told about different sad situation of his life, he talk about his dreams and a lot of things but everything is melancholy because the context is difficult, they have protest, murders, was a bad time.

I  suggest this book just because is real, I expect someday you may read it!, I'm really sure that you are going to love him too!

martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

¿What topic?

When I knew about this work, immediately I thought, “¿What I’m going to talk? Because, I am just in my first year of Social Work, so my knowledge about this career is so basic. Then I start to search about different topics but nothing convince myself, was in this moment when I Thought ¿why I don’t talk about something that I  learned here in the university? hahaha, so I took my books and I found an author called “José Paulo Netto” he is an a famous Brazilian Social worker and he took my attention because he is  Marxist, and his history is very noteworthy.

Netto, is one of the principals and more influential Marxists of movement about the “Reconceptualization” from Social service in the sixties decade, having an important influence in Latin America.
In Summary we must to say that Netto is an author, whose works are about the understanding of the historic genesis of the Social Work, and his relation with the Social sciences 

Also one of the thing that I think may take your attention (because I know that not all the people are interested in Social Work) is that an a important part of the work from Paulo Netto, is the translation to the Portuguese ,of different books from important authors (like Marx), so he collaborate with the pass of different ideology from other continents to Brazil.

Finally I think is a little difficult organize information but I think I’m going to make a review about his life, and finally about his works and his actual influence 

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

The best Invention (to me)

The best invention ever is the computer, I think that this change my life (yes sound like something crazy but is real), when I was a child like seven years old, my father give me one, and was a big, big, big computer hahah (like a box), and I remember that everything was weird 'cause you can talk with someone in other country, and you can see them with the web cam. (although the computer have a lot of programs I just use Paint hahaha).

well, now I have a Laptop and is wonderful, I love watch movies and series so.. is very useful, and obviously I use too for the university.

My life would change completely if my laptop disappear because I use this for a lot of thing like talk with my sister who live far far away :(… so I wish that nothing happen with him.

But now the thing that is very flashy and completely useful (really a lot) for me  is the portable battery charger, ’cause sometimes you must to travel and your battery is slow and You can’t let your phone dies! (because in My case my mother kill me hahaha), So this Battery charger can work without electricity (obviously you must to charge previously), and can charge your mobile phone wherever you go, and that’s why I think  is a very good invention..

I'm going to tell You a Secret… The truth is I don’t have one hahaha but I want and I need L even so, is necessary and recommendable